Tag Archives: pain

Shin Splints and Football

When shin pain occurs during running, the condition is commonly referred to as Shin Splints. However, sports medicine professionals refrain from using the term since it can be misleading. People often assume that shin pain and “Shin Splint” are synonymous terms. However, both may actually be mere indicators of a variety of other conditions. Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome is one of the prevalent skin conditions which have been referred to as “Shin Splints“. Gymnasts, Soccer players, dancers, distance runners and military recruits have all been reported to […]

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Effective Ways to Handle Shin Splints During Soccer Training

There are many different types of injuries and conditions that can result from the strenuous physical activity experienced during soccer training. One of the most common issues is that of shin splints. People who experience shin splints experience pain in the area of the leg that starts at the knee and extends down to the top of the foot area. The pain is often immense and is described as a “burning” pain. The muscles that are in this area of the leg, as well as the tendons, […]

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How to Choose the Proper Running Shoe

Choosing the right running shoe can make a all the difference in whether you stay healthy or become injured running and also determine if you will be comfortable or be in pain while running. Bargain shopping is the numero uno bigtime mistake made by most novice runners. You run out and by the cheapest pair of running shoes you can find. Trust me, you are not going to find a proper running shoe at Walmart! Thinking cheap will end up making you quit running due to the […]

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Understanding the Basics About Shin Splints

Normally, when you hear the term “shin splints” it is in reference to some sort of sporting activity. Athletes often spend long hours training in order to compete at a high level in whatever sport they specialize in. However, shin splints can happen to almost anyone and is not specifically related to, or affected by, athletes. So, what are shin splints? Shin splints are often related to pain one feels in the muscles of the shin. Most often, people who engage in a lot of running, moving […]

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